Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

Who? Ernest Hemingway. . .
Ernest Hemingway is known to be an amazing writer, receiving the Nobel Prize, which was what he always wanted through his writing career. So you can say he was an accomplished man. Whether you like his writing or not it's your personal opinion. His writing is based on the 'Ice Berg Theory' where he leaves a lot of the in depth analysis in the bottom of the iceberg where it is covered with water. This then makes readers think. He did a lot of his writings based on true events that happened during his lifetime but created a fictional character to interpret these events. When he was young he was dressed as a girl, a twin to his older sister, which later shows an effect to his harsh masculinity shown as he grows older. He participated in wars where he would be assigned to collect the corpses. His images of the war and the sadness it brought him, went to his grave. For he had experienced this first hand and no one would understand him and how he felt about remembering it. He had plenty of women in his life, but neither one or the other satisfied him completely. He would always feel pain after losing one love. And his writings would express some of his thoughts. Alcohol was always by his side, through thick and thin and he was for that a heavy drinker. Whether it was to forget the sights seen at war or to forget the pain of a broken heart he drank and didn't stop. Ironically his writings were always made when he was sober, and they all made sense. He lacked the support of his family but still managed to live his life and do what he desired, wrote his novels and short stories that gave him joy and mesmerized the public. Hemingway later died after his second airplane crash, because of his internal bleedings, he left the world and his writings didn't continue to be made, but those that are written are to be read for generations for his writing is one of a kind.