Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanks or Nah?

A classmate to be thankful for...
I have a couple of classmates to really be thankful for, therefore I shall list those certain persons and why I am thankful for them.
Someone I'm thankful for would have to be a certain boy whose name is Mario Macias. He's been there for me through a lot of my personal issues. He truly knows what to say at times and understands both perspectives of a situation. He's very reliable and trustworthy to the case and he certainly knows how to make sense of things. I'm grateful for him because he doesn't just hangout with me just because; it's more like a bond-- a brother to sister.
I would have to say, Isabel Bravo, yes from first period. She really knows how to party , not only that she's that type of person you want to be with and not be judged. She's really funny! And it's a blast with her all the time. It's like you can just be you with her and not try so hard.
Susan Huerta, is super realistically reliable. She understands all the struggles I go through. Not only that she really knows what advice to give when you're feeling down. Her laugh is so infectious that it makes you laugh. It's like she gets all this happiness from somewhere and I would want to have that happiness. She's very joyful and real.
Yvette Calvillo; man, she's that one girl you can hang with and play all your favorite sports. Like soccer and basketball and she knows how to teach you. She's always been there for me and hasn't done anything to make me lose trust in her. She knows how to keep her word.
Rosario Barrera; the philosopher. She's so straight up about things that it's so amazing. Out of anyone in honest opinion or manner you can go to her and she won't sugar coat things at all. She's also one of my main motivators, she always gives me her views on a topic and how I can overcome anything. She manages to give me strength when I'm feeling pretty weak. She's a realest.
I think these are the real main people I can always count on and be myself around; it's surprising the way we all managed to become so close and be in a single group. I have more people to list down but I'd rather not make this super long, it's after dinner and I feel 23 pounds heavier.
I hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2014

One principle to keep?

If we had one single principle to keep...
It would be well spent on the basic principle to not lie. Through everything no matter what the consequences the truth should be told. One way or the other the truth will seek its way out into the reality, so why not just give off the reality in the first place? There's no reason to lie. It's a worthless sin that plenty of us commit. Whether it is to protect someone from any hurt or just for one's sake; lying should never be done. One lie leads to another and that is how the system for a simple lie occurs. It will always be way easier to give off the truth with anything than to keep living with guilt because of the knowledge that you know but never shared. Lying is basically like covering up a dead body. Although you will cover the dead corpse it will still remain there. And the guilt will be killing you slowly, but surely. It's better off if you decide not to kill anyone and allow them to live. Then you will not be accused of committing a crime. It's plain and simple; if an apocalyptic situation was to occur there would be no reason to lie. There's no one to protect now, it all just basically rebounds around the truth. You should be able to share the true reality of things with the other survivors, so there won't be a reason to hold anything against anyone.