Thursday, December 11, 2014


Janie, Oh Janie.
Throughout the novel 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' we see Janie as a character who seeks her own independence. She wants to achieve her goal of getting her true love. Although other factors tend to complicate her will to actually go toward her own goal. Take for example Granny, the lady that managed to take care of Janie for as long as she can remember, having a weak past in poverty she ALWAYS gives Janie the advice that she should look for someone to keep her at a stable balance with her needs maintained. Something that is evidently important, but not wanted by Janie. Janie just truly wants someone to make her feel as if the pear tree is to bloom, because of the love felt. The thing is that Janie decides to go on with the goals Granny made for her. She marries Logan who suits her properly, but ends up getting divorced because of the lack of feelings for him. Then she moves on to Joe who gave her sparks and allowed for her to feel loved, but after a while she tires of him always trying to achieve his proper goal of being someone important. After the death of Joe, also known as Jody, Janie feels free and relieved of all the things she had to put up with when Joe was alive. I can see where this falls because Joe never really gave Janie the freedom and confidence she deserved. He kept her under a shadow, prohibiting her from doing certain things. Take for example when the townspeople wanted Janie to make a speech, but Joe decided to lower her value by saying that she had no idea how to make a speech and that it was not a right placement for the mayor's wife. That deteriorated Janie's self confidence resulting in a flaw that she did not like coming from her husband. I can see where Janie was so annoyed and filled-up with the way Joe acted that it was too much for her to put up with, resulting in her faking that she was upset at the funeral when in reality she was not. Now I can see how Tea Cake plays  a major role, because he succeeds to go into her heart by allowing love to get in-between both of their souls. She feels for him what she hasn't felt for another and she manages to always want him back, for Tea Cake has not disrespected her or devalue her worth. It all relates back to her own ambition, of getting to be with someone who she truly loves and cares for, rather than having someone to maintain her but give her no feelings. I think she's a very big picture for this novel because of the fact that even through the bumps in her love life, she manages to go through and live on with her goal in mind: LOVE which is something that her heart is longing for. She is painted to be a strong woman who wants her own independence, but also wants a man to truly love her for her and not only maintain her. Since that is honestly not her full happiness. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanks or Nah?

A classmate to be thankful for...
I have a couple of classmates to really be thankful for, therefore I shall list those certain persons and why I am thankful for them.
Someone I'm thankful for would have to be a certain boy whose name is Mario Macias. He's been there for me through a lot of my personal issues. He truly knows what to say at times and understands both perspectives of a situation. He's very reliable and trustworthy to the case and he certainly knows how to make sense of things. I'm grateful for him because he doesn't just hangout with me just because; it's more like a bond-- a brother to sister.
I would have to say, Isabel Bravo, yes from first period. She really knows how to party , not only that she's that type of person you want to be with and not be judged. She's really funny! And it's a blast with her all the time. It's like you can just be you with her and not try so hard.
Susan Huerta, is super realistically reliable. She understands all the struggles I go through. Not only that she really knows what advice to give when you're feeling down. Her laugh is so infectious that it makes you laugh. It's like she gets all this happiness from somewhere and I would want to have that happiness. She's very joyful and real.
Yvette Calvillo; man, she's that one girl you can hang with and play all your favorite sports. Like soccer and basketball and she knows how to teach you. She's always been there for me and hasn't done anything to make me lose trust in her. She knows how to keep her word.
Rosario Barrera; the philosopher. She's so straight up about things that it's so amazing. Out of anyone in honest opinion or manner you can go to her and she won't sugar coat things at all. She's also one of my main motivators, she always gives me her views on a topic and how I can overcome anything. She manages to give me strength when I'm feeling pretty weak. She's a realest.
I think these are the real main people I can always count on and be myself around; it's surprising the way we all managed to become so close and be in a single group. I have more people to list down but I'd rather not make this super long, it's after dinner and I feel 23 pounds heavier.
I hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2014

One principle to keep?

If we had one single principle to keep...
It would be well spent on the basic principle to not lie. Through everything no matter what the consequences the truth should be told. One way or the other the truth will seek its way out into the reality, so why not just give off the reality in the first place? There's no reason to lie. It's a worthless sin that plenty of us commit. Whether it is to protect someone from any hurt or just for one's sake; lying should never be done. One lie leads to another and that is how the system for a simple lie occurs. It will always be way easier to give off the truth with anything than to keep living with guilt because of the knowledge that you know but never shared. Lying is basically like covering up a dead body. Although you will cover the dead corpse it will still remain there. And the guilt will be killing you slowly, but surely. It's better off if you decide not to kill anyone and allow them to live. Then you will not be accused of committing a crime. It's plain and simple; if an apocalyptic situation was to occur there would be no reason to lie. There's no one to protect now, it all just basically rebounds around the truth. You should be able to share the true reality of things with the other survivors, so there won't be a reason to hold anything against anyone.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

Who? Ernest Hemingway. . .
Ernest Hemingway is known to be an amazing writer, receiving the Nobel Prize, which was what he always wanted through his writing career. So you can say he was an accomplished man. Whether you like his writing or not it's your personal opinion. His writing is based on the 'Ice Berg Theory' where he leaves a lot of the in depth analysis in the bottom of the iceberg where it is covered with water. This then makes readers think. He did a lot of his writings based on true events that happened during his lifetime but created a fictional character to interpret these events. When he was young he was dressed as a girl, a twin to his older sister, which later shows an effect to his harsh masculinity shown as he grows older. He participated in wars where he would be assigned to collect the corpses. His images of the war and the sadness it brought him, went to his grave. For he had experienced this first hand and no one would understand him and how he felt about remembering it. He had plenty of women in his life, but neither one or the other satisfied him completely. He would always feel pain after losing one love. And his writings would express some of his thoughts. Alcohol was always by his side, through thick and thin and he was for that a heavy drinker. Whether it was to forget the sights seen at war or to forget the pain of a broken heart he drank and didn't stop. Ironically his writings were always made when he was sober, and they all made sense. He lacked the support of his family but still managed to live his life and do what he desired, wrote his novels and short stories that gave him joy and mesmerized the public. Hemingway later died after his second airplane crash, because of his internal bleedings, he left the world and his writings didn't continue to be made, but those that are written are to be read for generations for his writing is one of a kind.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just 6 words . . .

Six word stories
Slaves for sale; inequality comes free.
Curiosity kills cat; now YOU know.
Doubting's a disease; don't catch it.
It's a wound; is it healing?
Karma hits you; feel pain yet?
Keep judging, just remember your lies. 
Life's an act; your part's up.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

There goes the neighborhood . . .

"And there goes the neighborhood. . ."
      I watched them silently as they scattered throughout our sacred lands. They didn't care about the land they walked upon, they only cared about claiming it to be theirs. My people and I were bothered because of our beliefs. The white men claimed that we were supposed to belief in something they called God. They didn't care that our faith was placed amongst the belief of the living among us, instead they pondered our thoughts with believing in something called "the Bible". If we didn't listen to them we  would get punished. Our people were forced to do hard labor that the Whites wouldn't want to do. We planted and harvested the crops not only for our feeding but for theirs as well. After some time passed everyone that I knew, including me, was to wear clothing that was manufactured to fit completely. We no longer had right to what we wore, or what we believed in.
       Soon enough the land in which we lived was worked on very frequently that it no longer held it's green color. Vast numbers of the people I grew up with ended up dying. The disease the White men brought was too powerful for their systems to overcome it. Instead they ended up cold without a single breath to take. But no one seemed to care for our lives to them were almost worthless. They didn't bother to care for our people, but if we were to offend them in any form or circumstance they would easily kill large numbers without mercy.
       I am lucky, for until now I have not been killed, either by a White man'a hand or by a metal weapon. For now I have to keep myself busy with the work I am assigned. I guess I'm just a bit too tired of trying to be someone I am not just so that I could please others whom have taken away from us with nothing in exchange, but death. Why can't they just be grateful for what they have encountered in this earth and be happy? Hasn't it given them enough already?

John Proctor; H or S?

John Proctor Hero or Stooge?

              In my personal perspective I would have to say that John Proctor seems to be the hero in the story compared to a stooge that is controlled by the people. The reason I say this is because since the beginning John was never a believer in witch craft, even though the whole town was believing in supernatural powers beyond the Christian control. In 'The Crucible' John proctor seems to portray a character that uses reasoning as his best character trait, even though it's ironic since for the most part we know that him and Abigail had an affair together. Even though he committed adultery he tries his best to keep his relationship with Elizabeth stable. Towards the end we can see that Proctor does all that he has in his power to save his dear wife. This then displays a way on how we can view the character as being a hero. His determination of trying to stop the madness in which people are believing so that he could not only save his wife, but stop the insanity that is caused by beliefs that, to him, make absolutely no sense. Another part in 'The Crucible' to display him being a hero would be when during court he confesses to the sin of adultery that he has committed with Abigail. This shows that even if he knew he would get tried as a sinner he wanted to make sure to confess for the love of his family and for the truth to be told. Even if he was ashamed he didn't bother to stop his revealing as he knew it was the best thing he could possibly do in order to stop some insanity. Towards the end we learn that he was one of the people who ended up dying, but we also know that he did his best in keeping his morality for he knew that his secret was wrong and that he should've stayed faithful to Elizabeth. In the end the chain was broken, liberating others of the madness  thanks to John Proctor who was his own hero.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


          The most basic part of knowing me would have to be my name, which is Jefri Arellano. Yes I am a girl, an "unusual" girl my mother would say. My father was the one who decided to name me after a man whose name was Geoffrey. He helped my father a great deal when he was fighting for an opportunity that would help him make the cuts with the family he had left in Mexico. Therefore in gratitude my dad decided to name me Jefri. Anyways, I believe that without music the world would be a bit more boring than what it already is. My favorite artist at the moment would have to be 'Lana Del Rey". Her music seems to be very thoughtful and real. It's a way through which her experiences and feelings are depicted. I love to play soccer, the same way any other athlete would love their own sport. I enjoy going to my birthplace in Mexico for it is extremely beautiful in any way possible. Nature is a huge companion when visiting a place like Guanajuato, Mexico. Reading is great, I love to read novels that interest me. The genres that always keep me captivated would have to be suspense, horror and realistic fiction. Even though reading can be great my favorite subject is math as I would want to become an architect. I love the way some books can keep me turning pages. Like any other teenager I like to hangout with my friends as much as possible. Honestly I am a very outspoken person, if I have a strong opinion I'll say it one way or another. I hate the society in which we live in but that doesn't matter for I am no one to say anything , it is what it is. I believe that's pretty much the basics to myself.